Hello, I am Lukas Stiefelhagen, 17 years old, and I'm a carbon-neutral racing driver. Early 2020, I stepped into a go-kart for the first time and was immediately hooked on racing. In 2021-2022 I became champion in three 4-stroke karting series. I switched to car racing in 2023. In the PTC Racing Cup, I became champion in the rookie classification. And in 2024, I finished fourth in the international, full-electric NXT Gen Cup. As a sustainability ambassador for the KNAF, I try to do my bit in making the sport more sustainable. If you are interested in a cooperation with us, and in supporting me in my ambitions, please get in touch!

2024 P4 full-electric NXT Gen Cup (DTM)

2023 champion PTC Racing Cup rookies / P5 overall

2022 karting champion RK1 15hp

2021 karting champion NXT 9hp

2021 Dutch Champion Rental Karting KIDs

My Goals

My plan is to step-by-step further develop myself as a race driver in motorsport series that fit me. Making a contribution to more sustainable racing for the future, is part of my mission. We have a three-track policy. I race either electric, or on biofuel, or we compensate our (remaining) CO2 emissions. In addition, I make extensive use of SIM-racing in reaching my training milage. Each year we publish our carbon footprint online. My father has been a member of the KNAF's Sustainability Committee since its start-up. My dream: To become a professional race driver for a factory team competing in sustainable series (electric or biofuel) in endurance racing, the highest GT competitions, or single seaters. At my 21st, I wish to be in the 24 Hours of Le Mans!


We distinguish partners and sponsors, with whom we cooperate in different ways in our sponsorship program. Our partners and sponsors are directly linked to my ambitions and goals, and to my performanc and development as an athlete. It is completely clear from the start of our cooperation what your financial contribution will be spent on. As our (main) partner you will be made highly visible, and in addition we offer various collaborations and event possibilities as options in our program. Here is an overview of LSgofast's current partners and sponsors; together at the start!

Are you also interested in cooperating with us? We have a creative partnership proposal ready to send out to you, explaining exactly what we have to offer. This is subject to our sponsor policy as below.

[Het sponsorprogramma van Stichting LSgofast is een ‘talent development’ programma om de ontwikkeling van Lukas Stiefelhagen als coureur te financieren. We werken vooralsnog samen met bedrijven met een inschrijving in de Nederlandse Kamer van Koophandel en/of een Nederlandse vestiging. Het willen ondersteunen van jong talent en van verduurzaming in de racesport vormt een belangrijk uitgangspunt in de samenwerking. Met een geïnteresseerde partij vindt eerst een persoonlijk gesprek plaats, waarin we onze doelen en werkwijze presenteren, wederzijdse verwachtingen inventariseren, en afspraken maken over de te leveren tegenprestaties. Vervolgens worden de gemaakte afspraken vastgelegd in een beknopt contract, voordat de sponsor onze factuur ontvangt. Bedrijven uit de volgende sectoren worden door ons in ieder geval uitgesloten: tabak, alcohol, cannabis en andere verdovende middelen, gokken, wapenindustrie, seksindustrie, bio-industrie, handel in bedreigde diersoorten, bont en speciaal leer, dierproeven, gevaarlijke stoffen, winning van conflictmineralen, kernenergie, of aanverwant, en bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij schendingen van wetten, gedragscodes of conventies. Naast de sponsoring van bedrijven staan wij open voor girale donaties en giften uit de familie- en kennissenkring, of afkomstig van erkende crowdfunding platforms voor de sport met een ANBI status. Laatst gewijzigd: 11 februari 2023.]


main partner 2023-2024

OG Clean Fuels

main partner 2024
OG Clean Fuels

Urban Events

partner 2022-2024
Urban Events

Interbaro Recycling

partner 2024
Interbaro Recycling

Hogenhouck M&A

partner 2024
Hogenhouck M&A


partner 2024, sponsor 2023

Packaging Partners

partner 2024
Packaging Partners


partner 2024

Company Fits

main sponsor 2023-2024
Company Fits

P4N Duurzaamheid en Natuur

main sponsor 2021-2024
P4N Duurzaamheid en Natuur


main sponsor 2023-2024

Expert Leersum

main sponsor 2022-2024
Expert Leersum

Hoor en Zie

main sponsor 2022-2024, sponsor 2021
Hoor en Zie

Heuvelrug Keukens

main sponsor 2023-2024, sponsor 2021-2022
Heuvelrug Keukens

Vakgarage Imminkhuizen

main sponsor 2024, sponsor 2023
Vakgarage Imminkhuizen

ICM Opleidingen en Trainingen

main sponsor 2023-2024
ICM Opleidingen en Trainingen


main sponsor 2024

DEUR Makelaars

sponsor 2022-2024
DEUR Makelaars


sponsor 2022-2024

Hubo Woudenberg Leersum

sponsor 2023-2024
Hubo Woudenberg Leersum


sponsor 2023-2024

FreeVoice Antwoordservice

sponsor 2023-2024
FreeVoice Antwoordservice

Sport & Health Workout Leersum

sponsor 2023-2024
Sport & Health Workout Leersum

The Maxx Veenendaal

sponsor 2022-2023
The Maxx Veenendaal

Hoveniersbedrijf van de Kraats

sponsor 2024
Hoveniersbedrijf van de Kraats

My Results

  • 2024


    Electric NXT Gen Cup (DTM) - P4 overall

    • 27/03: Misano (IT) pre-season testing – top 5 (13), 07/07: Norisring (DE) - P1 & P3 & P2 & DNF (16), 18/08: Nürburgring (DE) - P4 & P14 & P6 (16), 08/09: Sachsenring (DE) - P4 & P2 & P5 & P6 (16), 21/10: Hockenheimring (DE) - P8 & P4 (17)

    Other results:

    • 14/04: Ford Fiesta Sprint Cup, Zandvoort (NL), quali P3 (10), race 1 & 2 DNF
    • 28/05: DRDO Clio Challenge, Zandvoort (NL), P1 (4)
    • 16/06: Winfield F4 Training Camp, Paul Ricard (FR), top 2 (10)
    • 07/07: DRDO Clio Challenge, Zandvoort (NL), P1 (4)
    • 15/09: Classic GP Morris Cooper, Assen (NL), P2 (4)

  • 2023


    ACNN PTC Racing Cup - Champion Rookies / P5 overall / winner SuperSpa 2023

    • 02/04: Assen (NL) - P4 & P7 (25), 18/05: Zandvoort (NL) - P8 & P4 (22), 09/07: Assen (NL) - DNF & P17 (22), 17/09: Assen (NL) - P12 & P12 (22), 15/10: Spa-Francorchamps (BE) - P3 & P1 (19), 05/11: Assen (NL) - P7 & P11 & P8 (16)

    Other results:

    • 14/05: NXT Kids Cup Tillotson T4 Sr, Eefde (NL), P3 (11)
    • 16/07: BSR Electric Series EK-PRO, Venray (NL), P2
    • 01/09: NXT Gen Cup, Ring Knutstorp (SE), quali P1, race 1 P5, race 2 P8 (18)

  • 2022


    KNAF NXT GP Dutch Open - Champion RK1 Junior

    Dutch Superlap - Champion Peugeot106 Junior Cup

    Other results:

    • 29/01: GK4 Formula Honda 9hp, De Landsard (NL), P1 (17)
    • 27/02: NXT Wintercup RK1, Assen (NL), P1 (9)
    • 28/05: BSR Electric Series EK-PRO, Venray (NL), P1
    • 31/07: BSR Electric Series EK-PRO, Amay (BE), P2
    • 30/10: FIA Motorsport Games karting slalom, Paul Ricard (FR), P5 (21)

  • 2021


    NXT GP Dutch Open - Champion Super Cadet 9hp

    KNAF National Championship Rental Karting - Dutch Champion KIDs

  • 2020

    Starter’s course karting and first races


News flash 5 December 2024: cooperating with Lukas in season 2025?

Could a partnership with a young, talented racing driver, who also wants to contribute to making the sport more sustainable, be of interest to your company? Lukas Stiefelhagen (17) would be happy to come and present his sponsorship program 'together at the start' to you.

Are you interested in an offer? Then please send a message to LSgofast Foundation via our website, @lsgofast LinkedIn webpage, or an email to lsgofast@lukasstiefelhagen.nl !

News flash 25 November 2024: publication of carbon footprint

That's another year of carbon-neutral racing! For season 2024, our remaining CO2 emissions add up to 2.548 kg well-to-wheel. We've compensated it once again with the Fair Climate Fund. It's being invested in a cookstove project for Ethiopian coffee farmers. I have been racing climate-neutral since my first year of competition 2021.

News flash 21 October 2024: 4th place in NXT Gen Cup

The 2024 full-electric NXT Gen Cup has had 28 drivers, from eight different countries, racing in the DTM program at Norisring, Nurburgring, Sachenring and Hockenheimring. It was my second year in car racing (first year international) and fourth competition year overall. I finished 4th in the championship. Furthermore, I have learned a lot; making it a valuable contributing to my development as a racing driver. Now we will round off the season, and start our preparations for next year!


We would love to hear from you ! Please contact us by e-mail lsgofast@lukasstiefelhagen.nl, on Instagram, Facebook, or through this webpage.